Who here actually uses D?

David Nadlinger see at klickverbot.at
Sat Jan 1 20:48:43 PST 2011

On 1/2/11 3:01 AM, Walter Bright wrote:
> The problems D has had have rarely been the back end.

Might I respectfully disagree here? The fact that DMD is emitting OMF on 
Windows has indeed been a major annoyance for me, especially back when I 
was new to D, and I suspect that many other people new to D might have 
felt the same. Even more so since on Windows there are virtually no 
alternatives to OPTLINK with its occasional bugs (yes, even though I 
develop mostly on Linux and, more recently, OS X, I hit an OPTLINK bug 
more than just once).

On a side note: My little software rasterizer was apparently one of the 
rare cases where LLVM and GCC generate significantly faster code 
(typically about 10x times faster in terms of frame time, if I remember 
correctly) than DMD, but I agree that a software renderer certainly does 
not qualify as common case.

No offense intended,

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