Lock-Free Actor-Based Flow Programming in D2 for GSOC2011?

eris jvburnes at gmail.com
Mon Jul 11 09:28:51 PDT 2011

My library uses a straight-forward reactor approach to handle incoming events (IO,
timer etc).   The library is structured as one-thread-per-core and as many
co-routines (fibers) per thread as memory will allow.  The threads communicate
with each other via lock-free single-writer, single-reader FIFOs.

Each threadCore has it's own reactor with the only limitation that only the
threadCore0 reactor (the default thread) can wait for signals / child processes.

Windows uses a "proactor" model instead of reactor, so it schedules I/O first and
then waits for an IO completion flag. I've modified my reactor so that it presents
a reactor facade even on Windows systems.  Performance suffers a bit, but you pick
your platform and you takes your chances.

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