Time for Phobos CTFE-ability unittests...right? RIGHT?

Nick Sabalausky a at a.a
Tue Jul 12 16:05:02 PDT 2011

"Andrej Mitrovic" <andrej.mitrovich at gmail.com> wrote in message 
news:mailman.1574.1310511524.14074.digitalmars-d at puremagic.com...
> Last time I brought this issue up in bugzilla it was shot down with
> "We don't guarantee and don't have to guarantee functions will always
> be CTFE-able between releases".

Yea, I've seen statements to that effect, too. It was a fairly reasonable 
stance when D2 was the "unstable" branch, but now that D2 is the "main" D, 
it ultimately means that you can't use Phobos in CTFE because it'll likely 
break. And that's a *huge* blow to CTFE in general.

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