Time for Phobos CTFE-ability unittests...right? RIGHT?

Johann MacDonagh johann.macdonagh..no at spam..gmail.com
Tue Jul 12 16:24:30 PDT 2011

On 7/12/2011 7:17 PM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
> I don't understand what strip() could be doing to break CTFE anyway?

I believe a lot of the std.string functionality was modified to use 
routines in druntime in this latest release. The default sc.ini links to 
a static druntime lib as opposed to compiling the source. That means 
CTFE won't have the source for, in strip's example, _aApplycd2 
(rt/aApply.d in druntime). Fixing this (and adding in support for 
std.intrinsic) should fix a ton of bugs where a "small" change in Phobos 
kills CTFE.

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