Inconsistencies between global imports and function local imports

Tyro[a.c.edwards] nospam at
Tue Jul 12 19:56:10 PDT 2011

Methinks function local imports (introduced in 2.054) is a great idea, 
however if it is to be allowed, I believe it should provide all the 
functionality of global imports: which it currently does not.

import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import std.conv;

// Note: all of these import formats work if imported here but only
// the first work if imported locally to the function.

//import std.utf;
//import std.utf: toUTF16z;
//import std.utf: wcp = toUTF16z;

void main()
	auto s = "漢字を書くのはどうかな~?";
	auto s1 = genText(s);

auto genText(string t)
	import std.utf;	// This works
	//import std.utf: toUTF16z; // This doesn't
	//import std.utf: wcp = toUTF16z; // Neither does this
		// Note: Everything here works with global import
		// but only the first line works with function local imports
		return toUTF16z(t);   // This works
		//return t.toUTF16z;  // This doesn't
		//return wcp(t);      // Neither does this
		//return t.wcp;       // Or this
		return t.toStringz;

[OT - toUTFz]

Wasn't there discussion about adding toUTFz to the std.utf? For some 
reason I thought that was forthcoming in 2.054... whatever happened there?

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