Next in Review Queue: The New std.path

KennyTM~ kennytm at
Fri Jul 15 01:08:37 PDT 2011

IANAL, but there should be mention of the Boost license somewhere.

ssize_t (Line 50):     Why not use sizediff_t?
Line 58..67: I think version blocks should be like

     version (Windows)
     else version (Posix)
        static assert(0, "unsupported platform");

pathSplitter: Is it possible to make it a bidirectional range (implement 
.back and .popBack())?

pathCharMatch: On OS X the file system is case-insensitive by default. 
Also, I'm not sure if restricting to ASCII is fine. Actually the 
case-sensitivity is independent of the platform, e.g. you can configure 
a case-sensitive disk on Windows.

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