Prototype buildsystem "Drake"

Jacob Carlborg doob at
Sun Jul 17 02:52:40 PDT 2011

On 2011-07-16 15:24, Timon Gehr wrote:
> Jacob Carlborg wrote:
>> On 2011-07-15 17:16, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>>> On 7/15/11 7:58 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
>>>> I'm not very familiar with Scala but I found this:
>>> Interesting. What are the features that do make a DSL better looking in
>>> Scala than in D?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Andrei
>> This is just what I think (I've thrown in Ruby and CoffeeScript as well)
>> Scala:
>> * Delegate syntax - Scala allows passing a delegate to a syntax like this:
>> loop {
>>      // code
>> }
>> This allows to create, what look likes, new statements. I don't recall
>> how the "loop" function should be implemented but it was quite complex
>> and had something do with partial functions.
>> Scala also has this nice delegate syntax:
>> foo(a =>  a + a)
>> * Infix operators - Allows to call any method that takes one argument
>> without parentheses and without the dot:
>> object.func("asd")
>> Can be called like this:
>> object func "asd"
>> * Naming methods - In Scala you can name a method "+", "-", "*" and
>> similar. You are not limited to A-Za-z_0-9. Together with infix
>> operators this is how Scala implements operator overloading. This also
>> allows to add new operators.
>> * No semicolons
>> * Is in general very good at inferring types, including return types
>> * Almost everything is an expression
>> * The constructor is built-in the class declaration:
>> class Foo
>> {
>>       // this is the constructor
>>       def foo = "foo"
>> }
> One of the more important features you didn't mention are the so-called
> "implicits". Implicits are basically scoped implicit conversions, but strictly
> more powerful: They can deduce the conversion function based on an extended
> context, like the signature of a member function the resulting type should
> provide. Eg:
> class IntExtensions(i: Int){
>        def times(j: Int) = i*j
> }
> implicit def intExtensions(i: Int) = new IntExtensions(i) // implicit conversion
> of Int to IntExtensions
> implicit def strToInt(s: String) = s match { // implicit conversion from String to Int
>           case "one" =>  1
>           case "two" =>  2
>           case "three" =>  3
>           //...
>           case _ =>  throw new Exception("Unknown number " + s)
> }
> implicit def intExtensions(s: String) = new IntExtensions(strToInt(s)) // implicit
> conversion from String to IntExtensions (implicits are not automagically
> transitive, probably for compiler efficiency)
> // now you can write stuff like (this also depends on infix operators):
> val x="three" times "two" times	"one"
> val y=3 times "two"
> val z="three" times 2
> assert(x==6&&  y==6&&  z==6);

Yeah, implicits are nice as well.

> If D had UFCS and infix operators, it would have a lot more power to build DSELs.
> I don't know exactly how infix operators would play with Ds somewhat ambiguous
> declaration syntax.
> Of course, there are always string mixins, but then you are departing from valid D
> syntax with your DSL.
> mixin(myDSLtoD(q{not D code}));
> or
> myDSL!q{not D code};
> Cheers,
> -Timon

String mixins are not a solution to DSLs in my opinion.

/Jacob Carlborg

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