How D may replace PHP & ASPX on the Web!!!

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at
Tue Jul 26 10:27:42 PDT 2011

Matthew Ong wrote:
> This is because most web framework only takes in standard HTTP FORM
> POST type request and give browser dependent HTML/XHTML type of
> respond to the caller.

Yeah, this is why web.d does envelopeFormat=json and format=json
in addition to document/html.

If you can return proper data structs or objects, it will work well
without extra effort. If you want to do more customization, it
also has a Page function that can return a Document.

> I am in favor of a thread pool or pre-started processes pool
> concepts because it takes CPU and OS time to load new process
> and new thread it memory and CPU queue.

Those costs aren't too big, but what you described is how FastCGI

FastCGI is supported by my cgi.d code without needing modification
in your app code. Just recompile.

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