State of the Unicode in D

KennyTM~ kennytm at
Fri Jul 29 17:37:13 PDT 2011

On Jul 30, 11 07:37, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
> That \N syntax sugar could easily be replacable with a Phobos function
> called via CTFE.

Possible, but don't do it :). The table would have like 0x18000 entries 
(just a guess). If each character name is 20 letter long, Phobos need to 
supply a 2 MB file for this rarely used feature. Besides, D has '\𝔞' 

There are more important features like Unicode properties, normalization 
(á <-> a´), locale-specific casing (dotless i), collation etc. that 
should be supported before having \N.

(I'd prefer these be done via a wrapper to ICU, as most are database-based.)

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