Example within documentations of D seriously need some improvement.

Matthew Ong ongbp at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 3 23:17:56 PDT 2011

On 5/28/2011 10:10 PM, Jesse Phillips wrote:

 >That would be silly, I can't cover all of software development and I 
wouldn't want to.
Great. I have seen publisher done that and those books are still on the
shelf. Too heavy to carry around even with a back pack. :)

 > D's unittests are not meant to replace a Unit test framework,
The impression I got from the documentation is that D unittest is the
Unit Test framework. That is the case shown:


I was shocked to find only this. But DMD is just version 2.x so
I gave some space in my assessment.

 > Thank you for the feedback, I'll have to save your links for later 
Most welcome, thank you for listening also.

Matthew Ong
email: ongbp at yahoo.com

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