Flag proposal

Robert Clipsham robert at octarineparrot.com
Sat Jun 11 13:31:00 PDT 2011

On 11/06/2011 20:59, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> On 6/11/11 2:12 PM, Robert Clipsham wrote:
>> ....
>> * No ugly templates
>> * Self documenting
>> * No overhead (dmd can inline it to myFunc(true, false))
>> * Caller decides if they want it
> // Generate document in nook format
> generatePdf("doc.pdf", Flag.nook);
> Andrei

I'd call this a documentation issue. It's obvious you're passing true to 
the function. Of course, if you want to mitigate this somewhat, 
something like this could work:

struct FuncFlag(alias func)
     // See code from above, but use typeof(&func).stringof to get
     // a list of parameter names and make sure the passed name is valid
     // of course, you can't check position, but the only way to get
     // around that is named parameters or some sort of compiler support

alias FuncFlag!generatePdf PdfFlag;

// This now fails to compile
generatePdf("doc.pdf", PdfFlag.nook);


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