is there some know bugs with traits, type and library?

Lloyd Dupont ld-REMOVE at
Fri Jun 24 07:53:16 PDT 2011

I have code like that:
module main;

import std.variant;
import std.stdio;
import std.metastrings : Format;
import std.traits;

public mixin template property(T, string name)
    mixin(Format!("private T _%s;
                  @property public T %s() { return _%s; }
                  @property public void %s(T value) { _%s = value; }", name, 
name, name, name, name));

interface IInter

class Foo : IInter
    static this()
        Compiled!(Foo, "FP");
        Compiled!(Foo, "Subfoo");

    @property public Foo FP() { return new Foo(); }
    @property public void FP(Foo f) { }

    mixin property!(Foo, "Subfoo");

int main(string[] argv)
    Foo f = new Foo();
    __traits(getMember, f, "FP") = new Foo();
    return 0;
void Compiled(T, string memberName)()
    T t;
    writeln(mixin( "__traits(compiles, t." ~memberName ~" = (" 
~typeof(__traits(getMember, T, memberName)).stringof  ~").init)" ));
    //writeln((__traits(getMember, t, memberName) = 
typeof(__traits(getMember, T, memberName)).init).stringof);
This sample works fine, and print "true" twice!
However in my real program, which span a couple of static library and 1 exe, 
it print false if my property are of objet type (as opposed to int, string, 
i.e. the reflection library seems to think that
mixin( "__traits(compiles, t." ~memberName ~" = (" 
~typeof(__traits(getMember, T, memberName)).stringof  ~").init)" )

evaluate to false if typeof(__traits(getMember, T, memberName) is a class...
any ideas? 

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