"Code Sandwiches"

Daniel Gibson metalcaedes at gmail.com
Thu Mar 10 05:37:58 PST 2011

Am 10.03.2011 11:46, schrieb Lars T. Kyllingstad:
> I don't understand your big gripe with PDF readers either.  Maybe Adobe
> just makes a crappy one?  I use the one that comes with the GNOME
> desktop, Evince, and it works perfectly.  (It's open source, too!)  As we
> speak I have it open on a 1422-page PDF document, and I can scroll
> without any lag, search for text (and math, even), and basically do
> anything I can in a web reader.
> -Lars

One thing I find annoying when viewing PDFs (and this is especially true 
for academic papers) is that big margins (on left and right) often 
prevent me from seeing two pages at once at a reasonable text size.

Also better support for annotations and such  would be great (but HTML 
doesn't have this either).
Adobe Acrobat (not the free reader) supports creating some kind of 
annotations, but most free readers don't and if they do it's in a 
proprietary format and it's generally not a very pleasant experience.
For example xournal allows you to paint and write onto a PDF, but it 
can't search PDFs and it can only export the result as a PDF that 
consists of images, losing searchability..

But in general I don't think having papers as PDFs is such a big deal.

- Daniel

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