Anything in the review queue?

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at
Sun Mar 20 15:29:58 PDT 2011

> Since David kindly agreed to work some more on std.parallelism, there is
> now time for carrying one review cycle on another library. I recall
> there's work on:
> * std.goodxml (status?)
> * (beyond mere libcurl bindings)
> * std.path (improvements to path)
> * A bunch of almost-finished projects that need some tending (rational
> numbers etc.)
> * anything else?
> Is there anything ready for a formal review?

It would take a couple of days to be ready given what I've got going at the 
moment (I had assumed that std.parallelism and std.path would be ahead in 
line), but I have been intending to take the portions of assertPred which 
won't end up in an improved assert, split them into the appropriate functions, 
and put those up for review. And it likely wouldn't need to be a long review 
process either, since I suspect that it would primarily be take it or leave it 
for the most part (either you like a particular function or you don't) - at 
most a few tweaks might be necessary. We could choose to vote on functions 
individually (making it take it or leave it per function as opposed to the 
whole), but I doubt that there would be a lot of review necessary simply 
because the functions are fairly simple and versions of them have been looked 
at before.

So, I could get that ready for review within a couple of days.

- Jonathan M Davis

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