What To Do About Shared?

dsimcha dsimcha at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 22 17:38:25 PDT 2011

Some discussions about std.parallelism have prompted an examination of 
how far D's guarantees against low level data races should extend and 
how safety and practicality should be balanced.  On the one hand, 
coarse-grained multithreading with hard guarantees against low-level 
races is a great thing if it's flexible enough to do what you need it to.

On the other hand, not everything is implementable (at least not 
efficiently or easily) in such a paradigm.  D is a systems language and 
should not force people who want unchecked shared state multithreading 
to either do without it for fight the type system every inch of the way 
(by casting all over the place) to get it.

I've come up with the following proposal, which is implicitly used in 
the design of std.parallelism, but which I think should be made explicit.

1.  All @safe code must be statically checkable and provably free from 
low level data races provided that all @trusted code it calls is 
correctly implemented.  It may not cast away shared, etc.

2.  All @trusted code must guarantee to its clients that calling such 
code from @safe code will not result in low level data races.

3.  All modules that deal with multithreading must document either that:

     a.  They will use the type system to guarantee that low-level data 
races can't happen.

     b.  They will share state freely.

     c.  They will mostly share state freely, but will make guarantees 
about some specific subset.

std.concurrency would be in category a.  core.thread would be in 
category b.  std.parallelism would be in category c.

All code that only uses modules from category a, does not cast away 
shared and does not use __gshared variables can be guaranteed free from 
low level data races even if it is not @safe.

If you want hard guarantees about low level data races, these can be 
achieved with a very small amount of discipline:  Only use modules from 
category a or only use @safe code.  This is easily checkable.  Using 
modules from category b or modules from category c in non- at safe code 
should be considered equivalent to casting away shared:  You may do so, 
but you're on your own when it comes to thread safety and you may not do 
it in @safe code.

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