how to use a lib in d

Mafi mafi at
Mon Mar 28 11:21:20 PDT 2011

Am 28.03.2011 19:48, schrieb Andrew Wiley:
> On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 12:34 PM, maarten van damme
> <maartenvd1994 at>  wrote:
>> Thanks to everyone, I got it to compile :D
>> Still don't get the point of a lib file. I'm used to program java and there
>> you can compile to a jar-libary, a lib in d is obviously not the same.
> In a machine-compiled language, a library just contains straight
> binary, and you need a header or an import file (di) to tell the
> compiler exactly what code is in that library. This is because unlike
> Java, where type information is preserved in bytecode,
> machine-compiled code loses a lot of type information during the
> transition from code to binary. For example, if I have void add(int a,
> uint b) and I compile it, I can no longer tell you that a and b have
> different types.
> At least, this is how I understand it.

AFAIK you can't get any parameter type from just-binary. The code in 
there just expects the stack to have a certain structure and fullfil 
certain consitions. If these conditions are not fullfilled it'll probaly 
Because D (like C++ and unlike C) allows overloading the same name on 
different parameter types, this information has to be put into the name 
(mangling) to avoid name clashes for the linker.


PS: Just a thought of mine: You should be theoretically be able 
regenereate function signatures from mangled names. Maybe someone could 
such a tool.

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