A few general thoughts

lenochware lenochware at gmail.com
Sun May 1 06:23:50 PDT 2011

== Quote from KennyTM~ (kennytm at gmail.com)'s article

> You could use x"" string, or just escape those characters
>      auto x = x"f1f2f3 f4";
>      auto y = "\xf1\xf2\xf3\xf4";
> (And if your "string" is not a UTF-8 string at all, you should use a
> ubyte[], not char[].
>      const(ubyte)[] z = [0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4];
>      auto t = cast(const(ubyte)[]) x"f1f2f3f4";
> )

It would be very unclean write strings this way, but it is not so important. The
point is that I don't like features which cannot be disabled. For example
variables in D are initialized, which is good, but you can write int i = void; and
disable it. The final decision is on the programmer. You are not forced to do it
only one "good" way.
This is philosophy which I like.
Of course, I understand that it is not possible make everything optional, it has
negatives, like everything has, but if there are serious doubts about some feature
and it is not big deal to make it optional, it SHOULD be optional. At least I
think so.

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