enum conversions

Timon Gehr timon.gehr at gmx.ch
Fri May 13 14:06:25 PDT 2011

> Some musings, feel free to ignore this post.
> Sometimes I have to convert enums to integers or integers to enums. I'd like to
do it efficiently (this means with minimal or no runtime overhead), and safely
(this means I'd > like the type system to prove I am not introducing bugs, like
assigning enums that don't exist).
> This function classifies every natural number in one of the three classes
(deficient numbers, perfect numbers, and abundant nubers, according to the sum of
its factors), so I use a 3-enum:
> enum NumberClass : int { deficient=-1, perfect=0, abundant=1 }
> NumberClass classifyNumber(int n)
>     auto factors = filter!((i){ return n % i == 0; })(iota(1, n));
>     int difference = reduce!q{a + b}(0, factors) - n;
>     return cast(NumberClass)sgn(difference);
> }
> std.math.sgn() returns a value in {-1, 0, 1}, so this first version of the
function uses just a cast, after carefully defining the same values for the
NumberClass enums. But
> casts stop the type system, so it can't guaranteed the code is working correctly
or safely, so if I change the values of the enums the type system doesn't catch
the bug.
> This version is safer, works with any value associated to the enum items, but it
performs even two tests at run-time:
> NumberClass classifyNumber(int n)
>     auto factors = filter!((i){ return n % i == 0; })(iota(1, n));
>     int diff = sgn(reduce!q{a + b}(0, factors) - n);
>     if (diff == -1)
>         return NumberClass.deficient;
>     else if (diff == 0)
>         return NumberClass.perfect;
>     else
>         return NumberClass.abundant;
> }
> This version is about as safe, and uses one array access on immutable array (I
have not used an emum array to avoid wasting even more run time):
> NumberClass classifyNumber(int n)
>     static immutable res = [NumberClass.deficient, NumberClass.perfect,
>     auto factors = filter!((i){ return n % i == 0; })(iota(1, n));
>     int sign = sgn(reduce!q{a + b}(0, factors) - n);
>     return res[sign + 1];
> }
> Using a switch is another safe option, I can't use a final switch. This too has
some run-time overhead:
> NumberClass classifyNumber(int n)
>     auto factors = filter!((i){ return n % i == 0; })(iota(1, n));
>     int sign = sgn(reduce!q{a + b}(0, factors) - n);
>     switch (sign) {
>         case -1: return NumberClass.deficient;
>         case 0:  return NumberClass.perfect;
>         default: return NumberClass.abundant;
>     }
> }
> In theory a bit better type system (with ranged integers too as first-class
types) knows that sgn() returns the same values as the enum NumberClass, this
allows the first
> version without cast and compile-time proof of correctness:
> NumberClass classifyNumber(int n)
>     auto factors = filter!((i){ return n % i == 0; })(iota(1, n));
>     int difference = reduce!q{a + b}(0, factors) - n;
>     return sgn(difference);
> }
> I don't know what to think.
> Bye,
> bearophile

That overhead you are referring to gets negligible even for moderately large n. An
entirely safe version of the code without any overhead would be:

enum NumberClass : int { deficient=-1, perfect=0, abundant=1 }

NumberClass classifyNumber(int n)
    auto factors = filter!((i){ return n % i == 0; })(iota(1, n));
    int difference = reduce!q{a + b}(0, factors) - n;
    //guard the cast:
    static assert(NumberClass.min==-1 && NumberClass.max==1);
    static assert(cast(int)NumberClass.deficient==-1 &&
cast(int)NumberClass.perfect==0 && cast(int)NumberClass.abundant==1);
    return cast(NumberClass)sgn(difference);

This is not the way of least resistance though.

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