Could new keyword help function hijacking and prevented aliasing all over the place??

Dejan Lekic dejan.lekic at
Fri May 27 11:06:51 PDT 2011

> A couple of years ago, Walter gave a talk on hijacking to NWCPP. It all
> went well until HiddenFunc, at which point Walter's assertion that the
> way out was by throwing an exception was hotly debated. Several people
> suggested alternative, of whom one proposed (4) above. Everybody agreed
> it's a good solution, and Walter had the presence of mind and humility
> to acknowledge that solution and to promise to look into implementing
> it. Unfortunately, that event was forgotten... until now.
> Andrei

Andrei, there was a discussion about it here on this NG too. I too think 
that (4) is definitely the best solution. At least that is what I would 
like D2 to do...

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