Website message overhaul

Marco Leise Marco.Leise at
Tue Nov 15 09:22:42 PST 2011

Am 15.11.2011, 04:43 Uhr, schrieb Walter Bright  
<newshound2 at>:

> I am surprised at the negative reaction, because when I've done  
> presentations about D revolving around it being multi-paradigm, the  
> reaction was always positive.

Reading between the lines, it is probably just the combination - as Michel  
Fortin pointed out - of qualifiers and goals that looks odd. In an actual  
presentation you would not say "Now let's look at D's multi-paradigm  
power!" - "D's what?"
"Mutli-paradigm" may be overused, but - despite the discussion here - I  
would think of it as supporting fundamentally different approaches, like  
pure functional and OOP. It is up to the text below, to explain exactly  
what D has to offer there. Remember how you changed invariant to  
immutable? Try to think of giving a presentation and how you would  
introduce multi-paradigm there to the audience.
"Native code" is also more recognizable than "Native efficiency", I think.  
And everyone already knows that native code is efficient.

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