Curl wrapper review

Bernard Helyer b.helyer at
Tue Nov 15 15:08:10 PST 2011

I'll just post my thoughts here while they're fresh. It looks good. The 
documentation is what I'd expect from a Phobos module, as is the naming 

auto _basicFtp(T)(const(char)[] url, const(void)[] sendData, Ftp client)

If you don't want people using it, shouldn't it be marked private instead 
of using the underscore for obscurity?

private struct Pool(DATA) 

You've marked private things as 'private foo;' everywhere else in the 
module, what's with the switch in styles for this struct? Also, as the 
whole struct is module private I'm not sure of the utility of marking 
members private. I guess it's a form of documentation.

But really, I'm grasping at straws. Even if the above were to remain, I 
would love to see this in Phobos yesterday. :)


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