Website message overhaul, pass 2

Vladimir Panteleev vladimir at
Sun Nov 20 13:49:20 PST 2011

On Sun, 20 Nov 2011 10:40:09 +0200, Andrei Alexandrescu  
<SeeWebsiteForEmail at> wrote:

> Thanks to all who provided feedback! I read again the entire thread,  
> then made one more pass:

I would like to humbly suggest a change in the punctuation of the top  
heading. From this:

> The D programming language. Modern convenience. Modeling power. Native  
> efficiency.

To this:

> The D Programming Language: Modern Convenience, Modeling Power, Native  
> Efficiency

I'm not sure about the capitalization, but the period-overloaded version  
reads in my head like a lame car commercial.

Best regards,
  Vladimir                            mailto:vladimir at

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