boost crowd.

Paulo Pinto pjmlp at
Sun Nov 27 09:13:46 PST 2011

Am 27.11.2011 17:32, schrieb so:
> Whenever i see articles like
> i keep
> wondering why they are so silent in this newsgroup,
> I am sure they keep an eye on D. I would expect some kind of
> contribution (as in suggestions, proposes...).
> They are the top C++ developers, pushing language's capabilities. So, if
> someone is annoyed by the limits of C++, that would be them.
> Forget everything, i was thinking that the generic capabilities of D
> alone is enough to attract all the boost crowd.
> Phew, had to get it out.

Why switch state of the art C++ compilers with years of optimizations 
built-in and tooling by D?

This is the type of questions I sometimes have to answer, and as much as
I would like to have a language like D replace C++, myself I end up 
using C++ when the need for native code on our applications arise.


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