wxC & wxD

Anders F Björklund afb at algonet.se
Mon Nov 28 13:55:10 PST 2011

Gour wrote:
>> Just that I won't have much time to actually maintain it, myself.
> I'm also not capable to lead such project and would have to take that
> into consideration when deciding which GUI toolkit to use with D.
> In any case, for now, I plan to learn more D, master some CMake and
> start playing with SWIG in order to provide bindings for 3rd party C
> library which we'll use.

I'm no fan of either, and prefer plain import modules and libs over
function pointers and complex tools. But I guess that was obvious.

> Then, in the meantime, maybe there will be more clear which toolkit is
> optimal to use when writing desktop app in D *today*.

Well, I believe you had the officially supported DWT and QtD plus
the also available GtkD and wxD. Didn't seem like a bad selection ?

All four of those are well supported toolkits, _upstream_ that is.
Either GUI should do the trick for writing a desktop application.

But even if Phobos/Deimos would have something like Tk (or FLTK)
integrated, it probably wouldn't be accepted as a real solution.

That is, just for being too ugly or too grey or something similar.

Something like "MinWin" or Lucid seemed like a good idea to have
in the standard D library, just a small native wrapper for GUI...

But before that happens, you're stuck with the third party efforts.

Now, why would you want to use D as your language(s) rather than
C, Python, Java ? Or even C++. That was the real question for me.

There has to be enough advantages to overcome the shortcomings,
which in the end wasn't true when making desktop apps (or games).


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