wxC & wxD

Gour gour at atmarama.net
Mon Nov 28 22:54:24 PST 2011

On Tue, 29 Nov 2011 00:53:20 +0100
Andrej Mitrovic <andrej.mitrovich at gmail.com> wrote:

> Honestly I can't even get a simple SWIG project working (the demo from
> klickverbot's announcement on his blog). Apparently there's some
> const-related issues.

Hmm...have you reported the issue to klickverbot?

> Building the examples that come with swig windows binary doesn't work,
> tried it via mingw32-make and via MSYS. Apparently there's a missing
> "Makefile" in the root dir. Building SWIG from source doesn't work on
> Windows anymore either. ("Swig/misc.c:1119:18: fatal error: pcre.h: No
> such file or directory"). 

Have you submitted report to SWIG devs?

> So you have a project that is only maintained on some platforms. (this
> is the swig-2.0.4 release).

I'll install dev env on my Windows under vbox to check it out.

> The question is, what if you end up finding a bug in the generated
> code? Worst case scenario - you have to fix SWIG itself.

What's the difference if you find bug in DMD?

> Btw, Johannes Pfau wrapped most of TagLib with SWIG and said the
> wrapping process was frustrating.

Well, I'd like to hear more about his experiences...Which version of
SWIG he used?

Otoh, is there better tool for providing bindings which can automate
(some of) the work?

> I quite like the 'wxc' wrapper library, if you screw something up it
> doesn't look like too much work to fix it. Obviously you have to write
> everything by hand, so it's repetitive work. 

wxC also has to be maintained...As I wrote in another thread, it would
be nice to have stable wxC project so that all language bindings can
profit  from it.

> But at least you get a
> readable codebase + you get to statically link with the library.

Let's hope something will change in regard to the linking process.

At the end, the purpose of my posting was to find out what's the status
of current GUI-bindings-related projects in terms of current &
near-future support, so, this is something which one has to take into
consideration despite of upstream status which is OK for the main 3
toolkits (somehow, I do not count much on SWT/DWT.)

Moreover, although wxWidgets has some advantage over the other two related
to offering native look, seeing there is not much initiative to push wxD
forward in the short-term, this thread is closed for me (except if I
don't get signal that using wxWidgets is optimal toolkit for our use in
the *longer-term*.)

Thank you to all for your input.


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