A real Forum for D

Unknown W. Brackets usefirstnameinstead-newsgroup at unknownbrackets.org
Tue Nov 29 00:39:35 PST 2011


Well, when I think "web forum software" I think installable.  I'm pretty 
sure the ones you named are generally all proprietary.  It's certainly 
rare for proprietary forum software to deal with read status at that 
level, I agree.

I don't even think Slashdot has a concept of "read", but then, I don't 
frequent it (or Reddit or Digg) much.


On 11/29/2011 12:17 AM, Walter Bright wrote:
> On 11/28/2011 11:06 PM, Unknown W. Brackets wrote:
>> 3. Ignoring the comments about email replies (since they are easy
>> fodder), and
>> returning to the original: many forum softwares (including my own) due
>> indeed
>> provide a way to easily see which posts or topics you have or have not
>> read.
>> In fact, for a long while, I'm pretty sure SMF was the *only* one that
>> remembered topics you hadn't read between visits. Maybe FUDforum too.
>> Now a
>> bunch do it, I think. Possibly all.
> All? Reddit does not, Slashdot does not, Gamedev.net does not,
> Seattletimes.com does not, stackoverflow does not, digg does not, etc.
> I don't recall ever seeing one that allowed marking an individual post
> as "read".

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