Sorting algorithm

Andrei Alexandrescu SeeWebsiteForEmail at
Sat Oct 8 10:56:11 PDT 2011

On 10/8/11 12:30 PM, Xinok wrote:
> On 10/8/2011 12:47 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>> Nice writeup, but I found it quite difficult to get into. What would
>> help is anchoring it with already known stuff (if it's not, the reader
>> must assume it's unrelated, which makes things difficult). So it would
>> be great if you compared and contrasted range swap with the in-place
>> merge algorithm (e.g.,
>> STL's stable sort ( which
>> is O(N log(N) log(N)), and possibly with std.algorithm.bringToFront.
>> Simply presenting a stylized implementation of swap range would be
>> helpful.
> I didn't mean for this text to be anything official. I just felt it was
> important to provide an explanation of my algorithm so others could
> better understand my algorithm and it's implications. That's all.
> There's also the issue of, "what if I'm not the first?" I couldn't find
> anything similar to the "range swap", but that doesn't mean it didn't
> already exist.
> Writing papers isn't my forte, I'm a self taught programmer. So if my
> algorithm ever gains popularity, I'll let the experts deal with it.

My attempt was to make a few suggestions that would improve your 
writeup, which in turn not only helps popularity of the algorithm, but 
also you to hone a useful skill.

>> Also there are a few oddities in the text:
>> * "- Constant additional memory (one memory allocation per thread)" ->
>> the parenthesis does not sustain the point. There could be one memory
>> allocation but it might allocate a non-constant amount.
> I thought it was important to clarify that. My algorithm is easy to
> parallelize, but it does require allocating a unique block of memory for
> each thread. It is relatively constant as well, as it would make sense
> that the number of running threads matches the number of cores in the
> hardware. The only reason to allocate a non-constant amount is if you
> include the optimization I mentioned, to allocate O(n/1024) space.

Then you may want to say:

* Constant additional memory and one call to an allocation routine per 

>> * All discussion about tail call optimization is unneeded. Tail calls
>> can be converted trivially to loops, so don't mention anything. Feel
>> free to convert to loops if needed.
> I think it's an issue worth addressing though. Some programmers might
> assume that, because it's a variant of merge sort, stack overflows won't
> be an issue. When I originally implemented my algorithm, I didn't use
> tail calls and I had problems with stack overflows on partially sorted
> data. So it is an issue.

No, it's not. Please think through: tail recursion IS A loop, period. 
(BTW I see you use simple tail recursion as opposed to the more general 
tail calls.) It's cut and dried. So no discussion is needed. Just 
mention there is no risk of stack overflow, without ever mentioning tail 
calls. In fact there's not even a need to mention that because otherwise 
the algorithm would have non-constant space complexity, which you 
clarify it doesn't.


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