questions: remove from SList

enuhtac enuhtac_lists at
Tue Oct 11 02:19:41 PDT 2011


I have two issues removing items from a SList.
Consider following code:

import std.container;
import std.algorithm;

void main()
    SList!int a = [ 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ];
    auto r = a[];
    remove( r, 2 ); // ERROR! Needed member function are not
                    // implemented by SList(T).Range
    a.remove( r );  // ERROR! There is no member function remove

* The call to algorithm.remove produces these error messages:

/usr/include/d/dmd/phobos/std/algorithm.d(5951): Error: src.front() is
not an lvalue
/usr/include/d/dmd/phobos/std/algorithm.d(5951): Error: tgt.front() is
not an lvalue
/usr/include/d/dmd/phobos/std/algorithm.d(5954): Error: no property
'popFrontN' for type 'Range'
/usr/include/d/dmd/phobos/std/algorithm.d(5956): Error: no property
'popBack' for type 'Range'

I would presume that phobos algorithms should work for all phobos
containers, right? - At least if the prerequisites are met. The relevant
prerequisite for this version of "remove" is "isForwardRange!Range"
which is clearly the case for SList(T).Range. Nevertheless "remove"
tries to access "popFrontN" and "popBack" which are not part of the
ForwardRange specification. The lvalue-errors are another issue.
I would clearly say this implementation of remove is buggy - or am I wrong?

* The second call to remove does not succeed because there is no member
function "remove". Instead there is "linearRemove". This is not a bug of
course. But if I want to write code that uses some unspecific container
it is very inconvenient that instead of "remove" I might have to call
"linearRemove" or "stableRemove". Why not add a simple

alias linearRemove remove ?

This is sensible as "linearRemove" is a specialization of "remove". So
the general function "remove" would always be present but the
specialized function "linearRemove" or "stableRemove" would only be
present if it makes sense for the specific container.


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