How can I write compile-time (pure) BigInt computations?

Chris Dew cmsdew at
Tue Oct 25 05:31:19 PDT 2011

Stuck again, looks like BigInt doesn't work with CTFE for other reasons...

Is there a way to create BigInts at compile time (I've also tried from
a string)?  Or is it back to C code generation in Python :-(

Thanks anyway,


./gcd.d(11): Error: static variable N cannot be read at compile time
./gcd.d(11): Error: cannot evaluate gcd((BigInt __ctmp1335;
 , __ctmp1335).this(48),N) at compile time
Failed: dmd  -v -o- './gcd.d' -I'.' >./gcd.d.deps

import std.stdio;
import std.bigint;

T gcd(T)(T a, T b) {
  if (b == 0) return a;
  return gcd(b, a % b);

BigInt N = cast(BigInt)1000000000L;
BigInt X = gcd(cast(BigInt)48, N);

int main() {
  writefln("%s", X);
  return 0;

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