Ranges, Performance, and opApply

Kapps Kapps at NotValidEmail.com
Mon Oct 31 20:07:03 PDT 2011

Thanks for the explanation guys. That definitely makes me feel better 
about using ranges in my code (though for plain iteration opApply does 
seem easier to implement due to not forcing to conform to a specific 
naming convention except for one operator). When replacing modulus 2 
with modulus 100, the results are indeed very close, proving that the 
performance issue is not related to ranges vs opApply. Which is rather 
surprising to me actually. Optimization ftw I guess. :P

On 30/10/2011 10:45 AM, Martin Nowak wrote:
> On Sun, 30 Oct 2011 15:42:36 +0100, Andrei Alexandrescu
> <SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org> wrote:
>> On 10/30/11 3:02 AM, Kapps wrote:
>>> As it stands right now, ranges are quite inefficient. Phobos is
>>> designed with an emphasis on ranges, including in
>>> performance-sensitive code such as std.algorithm. No matter how
>>> optimized the range is, it will always be slower than the equivalent
>>> opApply function (and, as far as I can tell, offers no benefit for
>>> just iteration).
>> The test is flawed in a subtle way and no conclusion can be drawn from
>> it.
>> The test filters a checkerboard distribution (one element satisfies/the
>> next doesn't satisfy the filter). As such, the loop on lines 26-29 will
>> always test exactly two times to take one step. In contrast, the loop at
>> lines 75-81 is integrated and only makes the minimum amount of tests.
>> Calling the delegate is expensive, but there are only half as many calls
>> and the saved tests compensate for that.
> No it does not.
> In fact the opApply version does ONE additional check at loop start, which
> doesn't matter for 2.5M iterations.
>> I believe there is nothing inherent in the design of ranges that makes
>> them generally less efficient than various alternatives. Yes, there
>> will be the corner cases where internal iteration will be better, but
>> overall I don't think they form a large fraction of all cases.
>> Andrei
> The test still doesn't measure anything but spurious effects of
> different inline decisions.
> I get a ~10% hit for range foreach over opApply.
> When looping without predicate than popFront is inlined and the result
> is a ~10% hit for opApply.
> As the opApply body can never be inlined it is a worse choice in general.
> martin

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