DMD 2.055 Crashing on Windows 7 x64 (So is my D program)

Mehrdad wfunction at
Mon Sep 26 15:17:49 PDT 2011

On 9/26/2011 2:58 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
> This is likely a DMC issue, and is probably best reported as a DMC 
> bug.  I don't know how much more you want to pursue this, but the next 
> steps I'd recommend are:
> 1. obtain the dmc compiler (it's free) if you haven't already.
> 2. Compile an empty C program and run it using SciTE and Notepad++.  
> Verify the same error occurs
> 3. report the failure using DMC's bugzilla.
> I'm guessing there's something in the way SciTE or Notepad++ sets up 
> the pipes before executing the process which causes the problem.  I 
> have a sinking feeling we'll see more of this issue when the new 
> std.process is released :(
> -Steve
I'm suspecting it's /not/ a DMC issue (it's probably just an improperly 
used handle in snn.lib), because I don't see how it could affect my D 
program this way, if it was a DMC issue.
And yeah, I just tested it with a simple hello world C example using DMC 
as well, and got the same error. Pretty darn sure now that the handle is 
getting closed twice or something...

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