Mixed int/BigInt foreach interval

Timon Gehr timon.gehr at gmx.ch
Wed Sep 28 08:10:46 PDT 2011

On 09/28/2011 03:33 PM, Christophe wrote:
> Jonathan M Davis , dans le message (digitalmars.D:145520), a écrit :
>>> foreach (i; 1 .. BigInt(10)) {}
>> BigInt isn't going to work with the .. syntax regardless of what
>> isIntegral does.
> It makes some time that I think the .. syntax should be improved.
> I wanted to make a post about that but I have done it yet.
> First, Range are such a part of the langage now that I think 0..10
> deserves to be a Range, and not a syntax sugar for opSlice and foreach.
> It could be a type called int..int that behaves like iota!(int, int),
> and .. be an operator that takes for example two ints and return an
> int..int(*).
> | auto OpSlice(size_t, size_t);
> could be renamed
> | auto OpIndex(size_t..size_t);
> and we could also make overloads for multidimensional arrays:
> | auto OpIndex(size_t..size_t, size_t..size_t);
> which is IMHO much more meaningful and satisfying than:
> | auto OpIndex(size_t, size_t, size_t, size_t);
> or
> | auto OpSlice(size_t[2], size_t[2]);
> People might say this makes the langage more complicated, because we
> create a new type in the language. I think on the contrary that this
> makes the language simpler: it unifies foreach(i; 1..n),
> opSlice(size_t, size_t), opIndex (and iota in many cases).

This would probably be a breaking language change, because currently 
'..' has no operator precedence associated with it (it is just a 
delimiter token, much like ';').

@Topic: In practice, I have never felt the need to use BigInt's as 
foreach iterator variables. What is the use for such a feature?

I mean, eg. the following is hardly useful:


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