Object - part of the language, or part of Phobos?

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at gmx.com
Fri Sep 30 23:44:30 PDT 2011

On Saturday, October 01, 2011 06:20:17 Steve Teale wrote:
> Jonathan,
> I had a secondary question - under what circumstances is the OffsetTypeInfo
> available?
> Since it's not part of the language, I guess whoever implemented the current
> runtime just chose not to provide it, or it's a bug. I'll check out the
> code.
> I want to associate a struct with a database row in my database wrapper, and
> that information would be very useful. The struct.tupleof goes so far, but
> the offset information is not accessible unless you know what field to ask
> for it on.

I don't really know the implementation details on that level, which is why I 
didn't give more information. It's probably in druntime. There's a set of stuff 
in druntime (like the GC) which the language depends on but which is part of 
druntime rather than the compiler, so it's sort of in the language and sort of 
not. Object is one of those. So, what you're looking for is probably in there, 
but again, I'm not that familiar with all of the implementation details.

- Jonathan M Davis

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