Windows 8 Metro support

"Sönke "Sönke
Tue Apr 10 05:21:03 PDT 2012

On Tuesday, 10 April 2012 at 07:58:57 UTC, John Chapman wrote:
> On Tuesday, 10 April 2012 at 07:24:09 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
>> But one thing in particular, that you are not allowed to do is 
>> to use kernel32.dll (at least I was told). So you still have 
>> to rewrite all the C-library functions (such as fopen(), 
>> malloc() and so on) and anything that the D runtime or Phobos 
>> uses from kernel32 or similar libraries; I gues the same 
>> applies to ws2_32 and so on.
> Not strictly true. Here's the subset of the Win32 API that can 
> be used in Metro apps: 

Great! I was looking for such a list, thanks.

So since you have at least HeapAlloc and some other functions, it 
looks like a doable task to just adjust the existing runtime. 
Just many functions like CreateFile would need to be changed to 
their allowed counterparts as it looks.

But the question is still if that snn.lib or what else is beeing 
linked in can be adjusted or still needs to be replaced.

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