The Downfall of Imperative Programming

Caligo iteronvexor at
Wed Apr 11 08:49:52 PDT 2012

The Haskell version of Romans, rubies and D:

Modified version of
so that it's compile time.

module Romans where

import Language.Haskell.TH
import Maybe

roman :: String -> ExpQ
roman s = return $ LitE (IntegerL (value s))
  where value = fromIntegral . fst
                . foldr (\p (t,s) -> if p >= s then (t+p,p) else (t-p,p)) (0,0)
                . map (fromJust . flip lookup (zip "IVXLCDM"

And actual usage:

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

import Romans

main = print $(roman "VIX")

I still like the D version though.

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