Cheaper compile-time tests

bearophile bearophileHUGS at
Mon Apr 16 05:20:24 PDT 2012

> you end instantiating many times the same template, inflating 
> the binary with little purpose (because you are not very 
> interested in the optimizations performed on the 
> compile-time-known values).

I know you want a simple example:

import std.stdio, std.string, std.conv, std.numeric,
        std.array, std.algorithm, std.traits;

template TMMul(M1, M2) { // helper
     alias Unqual!(typeof(M1[0][0]))[M2[0].length][M1.length] 

void matrixMul(T, T2, size_t k, size_t m, size_t n)
               (const ref T[m][k] A, const ref T[n][m] B,
                /*out*/ ref T2[n][k] result) pure nothrow
if (is(T2 == Unqual!T)) {
     T2[m] aux;
     foreach (j; 0 .. n) {
         foreach (k, row; B)
             aux[k] = row[j];
         foreach (i, ai; A)
             result[i][j] = dotProduct(ai, aux);

void main() {
     immutable int[2][3] a = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [3, 6]];
     immutable int[3][2] b = [[-3, -8, 3,], [-2, 1, 4]];

     enum form = "[%([%(%d, %)],\n %)]]";
     writefln("A = \n" ~ form ~ "\n", a);
     writefln("B = \n" ~ form ~ "\n", b);
     TMMul!(typeof(a), typeof(b)) result = void;
     matrixMul(a, b, result);
     writefln("A * B = \n" ~ form, result);

Here a new matrixMul is instantiated for each size of the input 
matrices, but this avoids that:

void matrixMul(T, T2, @generic size_t k, @generic size_t m, 
@generic size_t n)
               (const ref T[m][k] A, const ref T[n][m] B,
                /*out*/ ref T2[n][k] result) pure nothrow


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