Docs: Section on local variables

Jakob Ovrum jakobovrum at
Fri Apr 20 17:54:25 PDT 2012

On Friday, 20 April 2012 at 18:40:46 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

> But there's no way that the compiler is going to enforce
> that, and if it did, it would require that you initialize the 
> variable in the
> above example even though the compiler already does.

Why can't the compiler enforce it? C# and Java compilers can do 
it just fine.

> It seems to me that there are two approaches for the language 
> to take:
> 1. Force all variables to be explicitly initialized, even if 
> they don't really
> need to be (but the compiler can't always tell for sure). Java 
> and C# take
> this approach.

Java and C# do not do that. They just enforce that local 
variables have to be written to at least once before being read. 
The control flow graph takes care of correctly determining 
whether a variable has been initialized.

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