a pretty exciting result for parallel D lang rmd following defrag by name

Marco Leise Marco.Leise at gmx.de
Sun Apr 22 02:34:01 PDT 2012

Am Sun, 22 Apr 2012 01:10:18 +0200
schrieb "Jay Norwood" <jayn at prismnet.com>:

> I was able to achieve similar efficiency to the defrag result on 
> ntfs by using a modified version of std.file.write that uses 
> FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH. The ntfs rmdir of the 2GB layout takes 6 
> sec vs 161 sec when removing the unzipped layout.  I posted  the 
> measurements in D.learn, as well as the modified code.
> http://forum.dlang.org/thread/gmkocaqzmlmfbuozhrsj@forum.dlang.org
> This has a big effect on processing files in a folder of a hard 
> drive, where the operations are dominated by the seek times.

So when you did your first measurements, with 160 seconds for rmd, did you wait for the I/O to complete? Sorry if that's a stupid question :p but that's the obvious difference when using write-through from what the documentation says.


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