export extern (C) void Fun Error

"拖狗散步" djj at shumtn.com
Thu Apr 26 06:01:43 PDT 2012

export c callback fun:

alias void function(int id) ConnectedCallBack;
alias void function(int id, void* data, int len) ReadCallBack;

export extern (C) void AddListenersss( ConnectedCallBack 
connectedCallBack=null, ReadCallBack readCallBack=null )
     int id = 0;
     int len = 0;
             Thread.sleep( dur!("seconds")( 2 ) );

             Thread.sleep( dur!("seconds")( 1 ) );
             readCallBack(id, null, len);
         //server = new epoll();

And then use the exported dll called D and C, C #
In addition to the D outside the
Other returns are wrong values​​, such as C #:

public delegate void OnConnectedCallBack(int id);

public delegate void OnReceivedCallBack(int sock, IntPtr pData, 
int len);

[DllImport("ShuNetTcp.dll",EntryPoint = "AddListenersss", CharSet 
= CharSet.Ansi, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern void AddListenersss(OnConnectedCallBack 
connectedCallback, OnReceivedCallBack readCallBack );

m_onConnected = new NetServer.OnConnectedCallBack(OnConnected);
m_onReceived = new NetServer.OnReceivedCallBack(OnRead);
NetServer.AddListenersss( m_onConnected, m_onReceived );

call fun:
private void OnConnected(int id)
     Console.WriteLine ("连接完成 Id=>" + id.ToString());

private void OnRead(int id, IntPtr pdata, int len)

Received id and len are wrong! :(
Gurus to help me!!!!!!!!!!!!

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