Does D have too many features?

Timon Gehr timon.gehr at
Sun Apr 29 01:42:38 PDT 2012

On 04/29/2012 08:31 AM, Paulo Pinto wrote:
> Am 28.04.2012 20:47, schrieb Walter Bright:
>> Andrei and I had a fun discussion last night about this question. The
>> idea was which features in D are redundant and/or do not add significant
>> value?
>> A couple already agreed upon ones are typedef and the cfloat, cdouble
>> and creal types.
>> What's your list?
> - two different ways of creating function pointers is confusing
> (function and delegate)
> I understand the reasoning, but makes one think all the time when
> to use what.

'delegate' is more powerful, 'function' is more efficient. If you don't 
want to think about it, just use 'delegate'. I'd rather see 'function' 
implicitly convert to 'delegate' than to have it gone. D can be used for 
systems programming after all!

> - sometimes D code looks like template and mixins gone mad
> While I do appreciate the power, it can be quite confusing to try
> to understand what the code does. Specially with the lack of support
> in mixin's debugging

pragma(msg, ...) ?

> - misuse of enum to declare constants
> I prefer that the use of const would be possible

const infects the type and const-qualified data can exist at runtime, so 
it is not possible.

> - conditional compilation is hard to follow without syntax highlighting
> Other languages with conditional compilation make it easier to follow
> what is what. e.g. Turbo Pascal/Delphi, C#, Modula-3, Ada

That is not a language issue.

> While it is fun to discuss what we like and not like, I vote that
> priority should be given to make the language stable and have better
> tooling.
> We need to have safer languages with native code generation for systems
> programming in the mainstream OS, that take us away from the buffer
> overflow exploits and dagling pointers legacy that C and C++ brought
> upon us.
> Someone that does not know D and sees the amount of bugs still existing,
> or this type of discussions, will run away to Go or some future version
> of C#/Spec#/Bartok, or back to whatever he/she was using before.
> I don't agree D is complex, any language that aims to be used in large
> application domains, needs a certain set of abstractions. If it does not
> support them, it is condemmend to keep getting new features until it
> turns in what the language designers were fighting against.

I agree with this section.

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