Does D have too many features?

Era Scarecrow rtcvb32 at
Mon Apr 30 18:02:32 PDT 2012

On Tuesday, 1 May 2012 at 00:02:37 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
> * how p[0..len] can be seen as an issue instead of as great 
> completely escapes my mind.

  I can only offer my own experiences. When I first saw D1 and saw 
ranges used like that, it looked like pure greek and confused the 
hell out of me. I mean, what is this ..? How does it work? Only 
after a lightbulb appearing over my head did I realize .. was 
just another operator, which didn't exist in C or C++.

  Having the example completely broken down into equiv D code that 
doesn't use the .. makes it's use and glue to the compiler a bit 
more obvious and fills in the gaps. I mean, how would you take a 
foreign symbols of << 1->End >> to be?  If you squint, it's just 
a slightly different syntax for the same thing; depending on how 
you interpret the languages(s).

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