Functional programming in D and some reflexion on the () optionality.

David Piepgrass qwertie256 at
Mon Aug 6 11:05:49 PDT 2012

> To me, the first big failure of D to implement functional style 
> is to not have first class functions. You get a function using 
> & operator. But does it really make sense ? See code below :
> void foo(){}
> void bar(void function() buzz) {}
> void main() { bar(foo); } // This will execute foo, and so 
> fail. Functions are not first class objects.
> void main() {
>     auto bar = &foo;
>     foo(); // Do something.
>     bar(); // Do the same thing.
>     auto buzz = &bar;
>     (*buzz)(); // Do the same thing.
> }
> Functions don't behave the same way is they are variables or 
> declared in the source code.
> Worse, foo was before a function call. Now it isn't anymore. 
> foo, as a expression have a different meaning depending on what 
> is done on it. It would become very confusing if foo return a 
> reference, so it is an lvalue and & is a valid operation on the 
> function call.
> As D don't enforce purity like functional programing does, it 
> can't be up to the compiler to decide when does the function 
> get executed.
> Then come UFCS. UFCS allow for function calls with parameters. 
> It is still inconsistent.
> void foo(T)(T t) {}
>; // foo is called with a as argument.
> &; // error : not an lvalue
> Now let imagine that foo is a member function of a, & 
> become a delegate. is still a function call. This is 
> still quite inconsistent.
> Implementing all this is almost impossible when you add 
> @property into the already messy situation. Additionally, the 
> current implement fails to provide the basics of functional 
> programing, and break several abstraction provided by other 
> languages features. C++ has proven that bad association of good 
> language features lead to serious problems.
> This require to be formalized in some way and not based on 
> dmd's implementation. Inevitably, the process will lead to code 
> breakage (adding or removing some ()/&).
> Reading the @property thread, it seems that most people want to 
> keep dmd's current behavior. Because code rely on it. This make 
> sense, but if dmd's implement is the only goal, it means that 
> other compiler are only to be reverse engineering dmd's 
> behavior, and are guaranteed to lag behind. Considering this, I 
> seriously wonder if it make sense to even try to follow dmd's 
> behavior and decide whatever seems the right one when writing a 
> D compiler, which will result in community split, or no 
> alternative compiler produced for D.
> I also have some proposal to fix thing, even some that would 
> allow!(...).array() to still be available. But 
> inevitably, some other construct will broke. At this point, 
> what matter isn't really what solution is adopted, but do we 
> still want to be dependent on dmd implementation for D features.

I'm not sure if I understand your point perfectly, but I 
definitely feel that the way D handles optional parens is awful. 
The other day I noticed that the following is a syntax error (DMD 

class A { void B() {} }
auto a = new A().B();
// ^ semicolon expected following auto declaration, not '.'

Even without silly errors like this, optional parenthesis create 
ambiguities, and ambiguities are bad. Maybe there is a sane way 
for parenthesis to be optional, but the way I've seen D behaving 
is *bizarre*.

The compiler should *expect* parenthesis, and only assume that 
the parenthesis are missing if it's the only way to compile 
without an immediate error. So for example,
- if foo is a non- at property function that returns another 
function, foo() must invoke foo itself and never the function 
that foo returns.
- if I say "&foo" where foo is a non- at property function, it 
should always take the address of the function, never take the 
address of the return value.
- The rules shouldn't change if you replace "foo" with a complex 
expression like "x.y[z]" or "new Module.ClassName".

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