bug with std.range.zip? range with opEquals(const) const not allowed inside zip

timotheecour thelastmammoth at gmail.com
Sat Aug 25 12:58:12 PDT 2012

is that a bug? should i file a bug report?

import std.range;
struct A{
	int x;
	//bool opEquals(const A a) {return a.x==x;} //comiles when this 
is used
	//bool opEquals(const A a)const{return a.x==x;} //will not 
         bool opEquals(A a)const{return a.x==x;} //will not compile

struct Range(S){
	auto front(){return 0;}
	auto popFront(){}
	auto empty(){return false;}

void main(){
	auto a=Range!A();

phobos/std/range.d(3449): Error: function 
(const(Tuple!(Range!(A),Range!(A))) rhs) is not callable using 
argument types (const(Tuple!(Range!(A),Range!(A)))) const
phobos/std/range.d(3811): Error: template instance 
std.range.Zip!(Range!(A),Range!(A)) error instantiating
scratchd(26):        instantiated from here: 
test_scratch.d(26): Error: template instance 
std.range.zip!(Range!(A),Range!(A)) error instantiating

related question:
what is the "standard " signature for opEquals ?
is it:
         bool opEquals(const ref A a)const
         bool opEquals(A a)const
         bool opEquals(A a)

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