Function pointers/delegates default args were stealth removed?

Carl Sturtivant sturtivant at
Mon Aug 27 02:57:45 PDT 2012

> Suppose a function pointer can be called with fewer actual 
> arguments than the number of parameters in its declaration. 
> Suppose that when such a call is made, the missing arguments 
> will always be assigned the default initialization for their 
> types (default default-arguments!). Now suppose that a language 
> mechanism is provided so that code in the function body can 
> determine how many actual arguments were supplied at the point 
> of call.
> Now any function pointer can simulate other default arguments 
> (non-default default arguments) by testing the actual number of 
> arguments supplied and assigning defaults overtly to the 
> remainder inside the function body. No need for new types: this 
> is a run-time action.

That's a great idea Carl! You mean something like this:

int sum(int a, int b) {
   if( argc == 1 ) b = 1; //default for b if not supplied

   return a + b;


auto f = ∑


auto x = sum(y);  //function pointer call, so fewer args permitted

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