Better forum

H. S. Teoh hsteoh at
Wed Dec 5 14:20:24 PST 2012

On Thu, Dec 06, 2012 at 09:14:54AM +1100, Walter Bright wrote:
> On 12/6/2012 8:50 AM, Alex Rønne Petersen wrote:
> >The latter is caused by bad(ly configured) NNTP clients, not the
> >server.
> That brings up another advantage of NNTP servers. It is very old
> technology, meaning the bugs have been worked out of it long ago.
> There is no constant issue of upgrading to the latest version to fix
> some obscure bugs, etc. Just turn it on and it works.
> And, lastly, there's a wonderful effect of NNTP not being where the
> "cool guys" are. The spammers overlook us! Sure, we get a drive-by
> slamming from a spammer maybe once a month, but by and large NNTP
> flies under the radar these days.

Plus, NNTP being a public protocol rather than a specific implementation
of a specific forum software, people can use their own NNTP reader,
configured to their tastes, to read posts without having to subscribe to
Yet Another 101th forum with Yet Another Poorly-Chosen Login/Password.

<!Insert off-topic rant about how people seem to be obsessed with
specific software that require specific versions of a specific browser
rather than generic protocols that allow much better interoperability,
automation, scripting, search engine indexing, etc., etc.>


Too many people have open minds but closed eyes.

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