Input Range addition to associative arrays

Ali Çehreli acehreli at
Thu Dec 6 19:38:44 PST 2012

On 12/06/2012 11:03 AM, Phil Lavoie wrote:
> Hi,
> I am aware that you can iterate over associative arrays in multiple ways
> using the structure's opApply and different delegates returned by
> properties. I think adding a "range" property returning an input range
> to the associative array would benefit the users of the D language.
> I'd like to justify this addition by pointing out that some standard
> library functional features, like filter, do not work on associative
> arrays as of right now. The reason for this is that filter returns a
> range that moves to the next appropriate value ON DEMAND rather than
> constructing the result. I think it is a great design choice. However,
> since no incremental (read on demand) iteration can be done on
> associative arrays, one cannot use features such as filter, nor make his
> own.
> I think that the existing code can easily support such an addition,
> which makes it all the more attractive.
> Imagine that "front()" would return an entry such that entry.key returns
> the key and entry.value returns the value. Here is an example of how one
> could use it:
> float[ item ] itemsCost;
> //Items whose price are lower than 5 dollars.
> auto myFavoriteItems = filter!"a.value < 5.0"( itemsCost );
> foreach( cheapItem; myFavoriteItems ) {
> theMoreComplicatedAlgorithmOnEarth( cheapItem); }
> Now don't get me wrong, I am aware that you can do this multiple ways.
> It's just that ranges are so attractive in the way they "lazily" fetch
> values that it would make it easier to wrap associative arrays in struct
> that return relevant ranges based on the aa's content of constructing
> the result, than returning the range/or result. I also think it would
> merge well with D's way of doing things.
> What are your thoughts?

Makes sense.

Here is a quick and dirty implementation that is based on the assumption 
that byKey and byValue visit the elements in the same order:

import std.stdio;
import std.traits;
import std.algorithm;
import std.array;

struct Element(K, V)
     K key;
     V value;

struct ByElement(AA)
     alias typeof(AA.byKey()) KeyRange;
     alias typeof(AA.byValue()) ValueRange;
     alias Element!(KeyType!AA, ValueType!AA) ElementType;

     KeyRange keys;
     ValueRange values;

     this(AA aa)
         this.keys = aa.byKey();
         this.values = aa.byValue();

     bool empty() const @property
         return keys.empty;

     ElementType front() /* const */ @property
         return ElementType(keys.front, values.front);

     void popFront()

     ByElement save()
         return this;

ByElement!AA byElement(AA)(AA aa)
     return ByElement!AA(aa);

void main()
     auto aa = [ "one" : 1, "two" : 2, "three" : 3, "four" : 4, "five" : 
5 ];

             .filter!(a => a.value % 2)
             .filter!(a => a.key.front == 'o'));


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