OT (partially): about promotion of integers

David Piepgrass qwertie256 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 11 21:51:26 PST 2012

> The problem, as I see it, is nobody actually cares about this. 
> Why would I say something so provocative? Because I've seen D 
> programmers go to herculean lengths to get around problems they 
> are having in the language. These efforts make a strong case 
> that they need better language support (UDAs are a primo 
> example of this). I see nobody bothering to write a CheckedInt 
> type and seeing how far they can push it, even though writing 
> such a type is not a significant challenge; it's a 
> bread-and-butter job.

I disagree with the analysis. I do want overflow detection, yet I 
would not use a CheckedInt in D for the same reason I do not 
usually use one in C++: without compiler support, it is too 
expensive to detect overflow. In my C++ I have a lot of math to 
do, and I'm using C++ because it's faster than C# which I would 
otherwise prefer. Constantly checking for overflow without 
hardware support would kill most of the performance advantage, so 
I don't do it.

I do use "clipped conversion" though: e.g. 
ClippedConvert<short>(40000)==32767. I can afford the overhead in 
this case because I don't do type conversions as often as 
addition, bit shifts, etc.

The C# solution is not good enough either. C# throws exceptions 
on overflow, which is convenient but is bad for performance if it 
happens regularly; it can also make a debugger almost unusable. 
Some sort of mechanism that works like an exception, but faster, 
would probably be better. Consider:

result = a * b + c * d;

If a * b overflows, there is probably no point to executing c * d 
so it may as well jump straight to a handler; on the other hand, 
the exception mechanism is costly, especially if the debugger is 
hooked in and causes a context switch every single time it 
happens. So... I dunno. What's the best semantic for an overflow 

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