More range woes: is invalid

H. S. Teoh hsteoh at
Wed Dec 19 23:03:29 PST 2012

After being sidetracked by the stack-allocated buffer fiasco, I finally
found the root problem in the above bug.

The problem is

@property T[] save(T)(T[] a) @safe pure nothrow
    return a;

This implementation is only correct for certain values of T. It is wrong
when T is a forward range, for example, because if you save a T[] and
iterate over its elements, it will consume the T's in the array, so that
the original range has elements that are now consumed.

The correct implementation when T is a forward range is to return a copy
of the array where the elements are obtained by calling

The problem is, now .save is a potentially very expensive operation.

At a deeper level, it can be argued that actually, is not
wrong, because you asked it to save the array, not the elements within
the array. So in that sense, there's nothing wrong with the

What is wrong here is that many algorithms in std.range and
std.algorithm wrongly assume that just because the outer range (that is,
T[]) is a forward range, *and* the inner ranges (that is, T) are also
forward ranges, that therefore T[].save will save the current position
of the *range of ranges*.  Actually, the only thing that is guaranteed
to be saved is the current position of the *containing range*, it does
NOT save the position of the subranges at all (at least, not according
to the current definition of .save, which is NOT transitive). This means
that many wrapper ranges are broken, because they export a .save method
that does not work correctly under certain circumstances.

The correct way to wrap a range of ranges as a forward range, is if the
wrapping range's .save method *copies* the outer range and populates it
with .save'd subranges. Otherwise, it must be treated only as an input
range. However, since there's no general way to copy a range, all of
these wrapper ranges cannot be more than *input* ranges.

That is, unless we redefine .save to be transitive. But then, it becomes
just a variant of a general .dup function for ranges. And so we come
back to a fundamental issue in D, that there's no generic way to
duplicate a value. This is causing us a lot of grief in generic code
(the whole transient .front issue is another instance of this problem,
since transience wouldn't be a problem if there was a generic .dup
method), and, as I see it, will continue to cause us more grief in the
future, because there's no way you can assume that assigning anything to
anything else will not magically become invalid when you subsequently
perform a seemingly-unrelated operation. That makes writing generic code
a veritable minefield.


Why can't you just be a nonconformist like everyone else? -- YHL

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