[your code here]

Era Scarecrow rtcvb32 at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 5 21:17:09 PST 2012

>> The optional third parameter of `indexOf' can be called with
>> `CaseSensitive.no'. But that parameter is left untouched. 
>> Instead a check with `toUpper( c)' is used, thereby risking a 
>> further visitation of the whole string .
> Using CaseSensitive.no is a lot slower

Hmmm then perhaps a whole re-write. I've gotten this done, 
although I'll need someone to tell me how well it does. Far as I 
can tell it's O(n). It's based loosely on the ascii version, 
except templatized. Hope it's not too ugly...

import std.stdio, std.string, std.traits, std.uni, std.conv;

string T_isPangram(string name, string set, string uset = "") {
	string x = "bool " ~ name ~ "(S)(S s) if (isSomeString!S) {\n";
	if(set.length > 32) {
		x ~= "\tulong bitset;\n";
	} else {
		x ~= "\tuint bitset;\n";
	x ~= "\tforeach(dchar c; s) {\n\t\tswitch(toLower(c)) {\n";
	foreach(i, c; set) {
		x ~= "\t\t\tcase '" ~ c ~ "':";
		x ~= "\tbitset |= 1 << " ~ to!string(i) ~ "; break;\n";

	int i = set.length;
	while(uset.length >= 6) {
		x ~= "\t\t\tcase '" ~ uset[0 .. 6] ~ "':";
		x ~= "\tbitset |= 1 << " ~ to!string(i) ~ "; break;\n";
		uset = uset[6 .. $];

	x ~= "\t\t\tdefault:\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn bitset == (1 << " ~ 
to!string(i) ~ ") - 1;\n}";

	return x;

mixin(T_isPangram("EN_isPangram", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"));
mixin(T_isPangram("DE_isPangram", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", 
mixin(T_isPangram("SV_isPangram", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", 

unittest {
	writeln(T_isPangram("TEST_isPangram", "ab", 
"\\u00DF\\u00e4"));	//example output below

	assert(!EN_isPangram("this doesn't cover everything"));
	assert(EN_isPangram("the quick brown fox jumps over the LAZY 
dog")); //to-lower check along with english
    assert(DE_isPangram("Falsches Üben von Xylophonmusik quält 
jeden größeren Zwerg"));
    assert(SV_isPangram("Yxskaftbud, ge vår wczonmö iqhjälp"w));

bool TEST_isPangram(S)(S s) if (isSomeString!S) {
        uint bitset;
        foreach(dchar c; s) {
                switch(toLower(c)) {
                        case 'a':       bitset |= 1 << 0; break;
                        case 'b':       bitset |= 1 << 1; break;
                        case '\u00DF':  bitset |= 1 << 2; break;
                        case '\u00e4':  bitset |= 1 << 3; break;
        return bitset == (1 << 4) - 1;

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