start on SIMD documentation

Manu turkeyman at
Fri Jan 13 11:49:31 PST 2012

On 13 January 2012 21:06, Peter Alexander < at>wrote:

> Also, slight bikeshedding issue: I'm not so sure on using names like int4
> for vectors. You see things like int32 a lot to mean a 32-bit integer, or
> int8 to mean an 8-bit integer. Using this notation for vectors may be
> confusing.

I had the same feeling.
short8 really made me instanytly uncomfortable. I'm so used to seeing a
number on the end of a trivial type as being the width in bits. Even though
I knew exactly what I was looking at, I still unconsciously assumed this
was an 8bit type...

It makes perfect sense for float4, since it's completely absurd to imagine
a 4bit float, and it's also conventional from Cg and HLSL.
I wonder if there's a nice naming convention to mitigate this problem?
Perhaps vshort8? Or some other small prefix/suffix?
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